6 massingham-road-castle-acre

New homes at Castle Acre

February 17, 2021 | Land management | 2 minute read

6 massingham-road-castle-acre

I am pleased to bring you our very first update on the development on Massingham Road, Castle Acre.

The development will comprise six 2-bedroom properties, five 3-bedroom properties and four 4- bedroom properties. Three of the 2-bedroom properties are designated as affordable houses; two for social rent and one for shared ownership. 12 properties will be offered for sale on the open market. There are a number of house types so layouts and architectural details vary slightly.

We are looking to register for Help to Buy. If successful, this will enable first time buyers to purchase a home with as little as 5% deposit.

Works to date have involved a significant amount of earth moving. We have stripped top soil and moved large volumes to the perimeter of the site for reuse at a later stage in the construction project. This has enabled us to excavate further for the new road and to create a temporary materials storage area. Crushed concrete and limestone aggregate materials have been imported and laid for our storage area and for the new road base respectively.

The site slopes from north to south and from east to west and subsoils have also been moved to build up the ground on some of the plots to achieve design levels. Excavations will start for house foundation construction as soon as weather permits. Exceptional rainfall, and now snow, are hampering some progress but we are managing to excavate for house and highway soakaways for surface water drainage.

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