Castle Acre Project – Latest Progress
September 22, 2021 | Land management | 3 minute read
On behalf of the Holkham Estate, we are very pleased to bring you the latest news on our Massingham Road development.
With help and input from the Parish Council we have decided that the new road will be called Bricknel Close and this has also been agreed with the Borough Council.
According to land maps from 100 years ago, the field where the houses are to be built was called Bricknel Close. The current Holkham farm map identifies this field as Brick Close. Research by the Parish Clerk has revealed that Bricknell, with two ll, is from the Olde English pre-7th century word ‘brik’ meaning bright and ‘halh’ meaning a place – therefore a bright place which is open to the skies, rather than in woodland.
We are making reasonable progress on site with the first pair of houses tiled and another pair ready for roof tiling as soon as flintwork is complete on the gable.This is enabling us to carry out first fix plumbing and electrical works on these plots. Current trades on site include groundworkers, bricklayers, carpenters, roofers, electricians and plumbers.
We would like to thank all local residents and business owners for their patience and understanding while we had the road closed for works to connect the site to the foul sewer and to bring mains power to the site from the substation further down Massingham Road.
We are working with Savills to develop marketing plans and are currently preparing brochures for the houses. We aim to actively commence marketing before the end of the year and hope to achieve our first completions and sales before the end of March 2022.
We have registered with Homes England to enable eligible purchasers to access funding through the Help to Buy initiative. Seven of the dwellings we are building are eligible for Help to Buy funding which will be a huge benefit to local, first time buyers and key workers.
Another three dwellings will be affordable homes and we are working with a regional housing provider to ensure that two of these homes will be available to rent and one will be available to buy through the shared ownership scheme.
For further information please contact Richard by telephone on 07920 450842 or email r.leigh@holkham.co.uk.
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